Vehicle Donation Form

Donate Cars, Trucks, RVs, Boats, and Motorcycles In Any Condition, Nationwide

Donate online whenever possible to keep this service free — 1-877-242-7489

You are donating your vehicle to:

Charity Cars, Inc.

501-C-3 non-profit charity
Federal ID# 59-3362703

100% of the net proceeds will be donated to the non-profit charity of your choice.*
(This donation form information will be shared with the charity of your choice)

1. Donor Information

* Required

2. Vehicle Information

The Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) is not required during form completion but will be required prior to vehicle pickup.

3. Vehicle Condition

On a scale of 1-5 stars, with 5 stars being excellent, please rate vehicle conditions below:

4. Disbursement

By submitting this form, I agree to the Terms and Conditions of this site.

Supported by Progressive Insurance®

1-877-Charity Cars Program-100% Goes To Your Charity*
Other 3rd Party Programs-35% Goes To Your Charity

A GAO study (Government Accountability Office identified more than 4,300 charities with car donation programs. The vast majority of car donations are processed by 3rd party, for-profit /non-profit intermediaries. The study concluded that when 3rd party intermediaries were involved in the car donation process, on average, only about 35% of the revenue ever reached the charity. Over $100 million charitable dollars are lost each year to professional fundraisers and for-profit/non-profit intermediaries who administer most of America’s car donation programs.
Compare Car Donation Programs Here.