About Us
1-877-Charity Cars is a free service provided by The Original Charity Cars, Inc. a 501-C-3 non-profit charity. (Charity Cars, Inc. Federal ID #59-3362703).
Established in 1996, The Original Charity Cars (800CharityCars.org) operates the largest free non-profit car-donation / distribution program in the nation. The award-winning program has received an avalanche of local and national publicity featured on shows such as Oprah, Montel, Good Morning America, Extreme Makeover Home Edition, and CBS Morning News. Articles about this one-of-a-kind organization have appeared in the Non-Profit Times, The Chronicle Of Philanthropy, People Magazine, and a host of other publications across America. Among its many awards, the organization is honored to be a past winner of the prestigious Walt Disney World Outstanding Community Service Award.
Where Your Donation Goes
A GAO (Government Accountability Office https://www.gao.gov/assets/gao-04-73.pdf) study identified more than 4,300 charities with car donation programs. The vast majority of car donations are processed by 3rd party, for-profit/non-profit intermediaries. The study concluded that when 3rd party intermediaries were involved in the car donation process, on average, only about 35% of the revenue ever reached the charity. Over 100 million charitable dollars are lost each year to professional fundraisers and for-profit/non-profit intermediaries who administer most of America’s car donation programs. Compare Programs Here.
Through its 1-877-Charity Cars project, the Original Charity Cars now utilizes its vast knowledge and expertise to process car donations for the benefit of other charities. 100% of the net proceeds will now reach the donor’s chosen charity, which will provide much-needed funding in these difficult economic times.*
How We Do This For Free
As stated previously, 100% of the net proceeds received by Charity Cars from the sale of each vehicle donated online is forwarded to the charity of the donor’s choice. The Original Charity Cars is an outstanding example of the non-profit social entrepreneur business model. Totally self-sufficient, it succeeds without a penny of government funding. The organization generates the revenue needed to operate and provide this free service through corporate donations and the sale of vehicles from its own, completely separate car-donation / distribution program 800charitycars.org.
For an overview of the car donation process and tax info, click here.
Supported by Progressive Insurance®
1-877-Charity Cars Program-100% Goes To Your Charity*
Other 3rd Party Programs-35% Goes To Your Charity
A GAO study (Government Accountability Office https://www.gao.gov/assets/gao-04-73.pdf) identified more than 4,300 charities with car donation programs. The vast majority of car donations are processed by 3rd party, for-profit /non-profit intermediaries. The study concluded that when 3rd party intermediaries were involved in the car donation process, on average, only about 35% of the revenue ever reached the charity. Over $100 million charitable dollars are lost each year to professional fundraisers and for-profit/non-profit intermediaries who administer most of America’s car donation programs.
Compare Car Donation Programs Here.
Most Recent Financial Statements
Charity Cars Key Staff
Brian Menzies CEO
Rosemary Hill Comptroller
Charity Cars Board Members
Phillip Roe
Georgene Francis
George Dasaro
Barabara Dasaro
Thomas Willoughby
Drew Farmer
Brian Menzies