Vehicle Donation Form

Donate Cars, Trucks, RVs, Boats, and Motorcycles In Any Condition, Nationwide

Donate online whenever possible to keep this service free — 1-877-242-7489

You are donating your vehicle to:

Charity Cars, Inc.

501-C-3 non-profit charity
Federal ID# 59-3362703

100% of the net proceeds will be donated to the non-profit charity of your choice.*
(This donation form information will be shared with the charity of your choice)

1. Donor Information

* Required

2. Vehicle Information

The Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) is not required during form completion but will be required prior to vehicle pickup.

3. Vehicle Condition

On a scale of 1-5 stars, with 5 stars being excellent, please rate vehicle conditions below:

4. Disbursement

To look up a charity's Federal Tax ID (EIN) visit

If you do not enter a valid Federal Tax ID (EIN) above, Charity Cars, Inc. will attempt to identify the IRS-recognized 501-C-3 charity that you have specified but cannot guarantee that we will be able to forward any proceeds if we are unable to identify the charity due to lack of information. All proceeds that we cannot forward be retained by the 501-C-3 non-profit organization that provides this free service, Charity Cars, Inc. Federal ID # 59-3362703.

By submitting this form, I agree to the Terms and Conditions of this site.

Supported by Progressive Insurance®

1-877-Charity Cars Program-100% Goes To Your Charity*
Other 3rd Party Programs-35% Goes To Your Charity

A GAO study (Government Accountability Office identified more than 4,300 charities with car donation programs. The vast majority of car donations are processed by 3rd party, for-profit /non-profit intermediaries. The study concluded that when 3rd party intermediaries were involved in the car donation process, on average, only about 35% of the revenue ever reached the charity. Over $100 million charitable dollars are lost each year to professional fundraisers and for-profit/non-profit intermediaries who administer most of America’s car donation programs.
Compare Car Donation Programs Here.